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A Powerful, Yet Gentle, Laser Skincare Treatment


No Surgery or

Clear + Brilliant is non-invasive, no cutting, no needles.


A Single

One 15 to 20 minutes Clear + Brilliant session* can leave your skin feeling smoother, younger-looking and give you that “radiant glow”.


Little to
No Downtime

A fresh, youthful look without social downtime.

Powerful, Yet Gentle, Laser Skincare Treatment

A lot of work goes into keeping you looking like you – lotions and creams, trainers and stylists – all focused on keeping you looking your best. Clear + Brilliant is a powerful treatment you can add to your regimen to make it a little easier to keep your skin looking its youthful best. Offered exclusively through licensed skincare professionals, Clear + Brilliant is proven to help improve tone, texture and pore size appearance. You’ll see and feel the difference; smoother skin that will make you look and feel great.

Clear + Brilliant — Get the Glow Back

Clear + Brilliant is based on advanced technology, but getting Clear + Brilliant treatments is simple. All treatments begin with a consultation with your licensed skin care professional to see if Clear + Brilliant is right for you – and to pinpoint some of the key trouble spots it can help address. From there, your provider can recommend a Clear + Brilliant treatment regimen that’s perfect for you.

Clear + Brilliant

Is safe, non-surgical and non-invasive
Is a gentle, revolutionary treatment that fights the natural effects aging has on skin
Helps improve tone and texture and gives skin a radiant, youthful glow
Creates a more even skin canvas, with reduction in the appearance of pores
Is a perfect complement to individual beauty and lifestyle regimens

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